Bujinkan Kata 唯逆 Yuigyaku Preview

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 唯逆 Yuigyaku

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 唯逆 yuigyaku. We warmed up with 順流れ jun nagare and 逆流れ gyaku nagare. First we did these as muto dori evasion against a sword cut. Then we used sword against sword as our opponent counters our cut, we evade with a nagare. The progression of ukemi should go (more...)

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 極楽落 Gokuraku Otoshi

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 極楽落 Gokuraku Otoshi

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 極楽落 gokuraku otoshi. We warmed up with the jūtaijutsu shuffle. Some of you have heard me reference this useful training drill before. Lucky for you, we made a video of tonight’s class. If you subscribe to rojodojo.com, the video will be available in a few days for you (more...)

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 指拍 Shihaku

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 指拍 Shihaku

We warmed up with a technique that David demonstrated from his memory of a recent Nagato Sensei class. Anyone who has trained with Nagato in recent years has probably experienced it. He sometimes refers to it as a “pain” technique. It is a really terrible twist on hon gyaku. I gave some input about Nagato (more...)

Japan Bujinkan Training Spring 2018

Japan Bujinkan Training Spring 2018

My Bujinkan Japan training report from my Spring 2018 trip. When I arrived in Tokyo it was unseasonably cold. Rain turned to snow. But soon the days warmed and the Sakura went into full bloom. The Hanami parties were in full bloom as well!

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 掛倒 Ketō

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 掛倒 Ketō

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 掛倒 ketō. We warmed up with 五輪碎 gorin kudaki. I don’t think people understand how precise the targeting can be with this kata. Moving from 詒変之構 ihen no kamae to hit at least 5 distinct points on the opponent’s body requires mastery of the bo. I began class (more...)

Budo Reset 3: 伝承 Denshō

Budo Reset 3: 伝承 Denshō

Before and after my Chicago Bujinkan Seminar I discuss Bujinkan Densho and some of the misconceptions surrounding them. 伝承 Denshō are meant to be combined with kuden. This is the in and yo for training balance. 伝承者 denshō-sha may encounter problems because the densho themselves are vague. Books are full of mistakes. Bujinkan Videos (even (more...)

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 虎倒 Kotō

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 虎倒 Kotō

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 虎倒 kotō. We warmed up with 無刀捕 mutōdori kihon. This class had many recent lessons from Japan in it. Even in the warmup, I shared some of what Hatsumi Sensei was doing in Japan last month and it got really advanced. Soke told us, “This muto dori way (more...)

VIDEO: Bujinkan Hanbo Kata 股掛 Mata Gake

VIDEO: Bujinkan Hanbo Kata 股掛 Mata Gake

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan hanbo kata 股掛 mata gake. We warmed up with an 足締まる ashi shimaru using the hanbo. We began in 音無し之構 otonashi no kamae. Then our opponent kicks. We evade on the inside. Our hanbo catches then locks the ankle. The attacker turns over to escape the pain. On the (more...)

Bujinkan Kuden: Hencho and the Point of Kata

Bujinkan Kuden: Hencho and the Point of Kata

my Bujinkan kuden after training where I discuss the kata tomoe. This kata relies on the kyojitsu of hencho. And I also share some of the reasons we study kata and how they apply to real combat.

Video Bujinkan Hanbo Kata 払技 Harai Waza

VIDEO: Bujinkan Hanbo Kata 振り突き Furi Tsuki

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan hanbo kata 振り突き Furi Tsuki. We warmed up with 八文字振りhachimonji furi. This hanbō kihon traces a figure eight pattern like an infinity symbol, but it also implies infinite directions for striking. We studied the downward diagonal and upward diagonal angles against an opponent. Then we looked at using the (more...)

Bujinkan Japan Training December 2017

Bujinkan Japan Training December 2017

my Bujinkan video about my current Japan training December with Hatsumi Sensei.


Bujinkan Japan Training Nov 2017

my Bujinkan video about my current Japan training Nov with Hatsumi Sensei.