Bujinkan kata 隼雄 Shunū

Bujinkan Kata 隼雄 Shunū

My Bujinkan video exploring the kata 隼雄 Shunū. This class was recorded January 22, 2015.

Bujinkan Kata 虚空 Koku Preview

How to allow Shingin Budo into the Bujinkan kata 虚空 Koku

I began class with 虚空 Koku. There is the form that most of us in the Bujinkan have studied plenty. But the name of the kata suggests something formless. That was my study for this class.

Kyu Kamae Fudoza Preview

Bujinkan 九構 kyu kamae: 不動坐 fudoza

We begin our study of 九構 kyuu kamae with 不動坐 fudoza. After the first taihenjutsu section, we moved into the second section of 梧心の型 goshin no kata. I elaborated on this focus by doing 五行の型 Gogyō no Kata as well.

Bujinkan Hanbo Waza Omote Gyaku Hasami Dori

表逆挟み捕り omote gyaku hasami dori

I began class with 表逆挟み捕り omote gyaku hasami dori. All of these weapon retention tactics and captures stem from a fundamental understanding of tehodoki. And even more broadly, the kihon known as 破術九法 Hajutsu Kyūho.

Oni Kakuuchi Preview

頭鬼角打ち atama oni kakuuchi

Tonight I wasn't teaching a kata, so much as a feeling. Hatsumi Sensei describes this feeling with the hanbo as 頭鬼角打ち atama oni kakuuchi with the concept of 楯の構え tate no kamae as the strategy.

片手振り面打ち katate furi men uchi

片手振り面打ち katate furi men uchi

Tonight we began with 片手振り面打ち katate furi men uchi. These simple hanbo waza we have been studying are fundamental and appear quite simple. But many advanced lessons are hiding behind their simplicity.

突き胴振り Tsuki Doufuri

I began class with 突き胴振り tsuki doufuri. This may be done against many types of attacks, but to make things easy (difficult) on us, I had the attacker wielding a shoto. So the opening becomes muto dori against a shoto. Any muto dori lessons you have learned are at play here.

突き返し tsukikaeshi

The 間 Aida of 突き返し Tsukikaeshi

I began class with 突き返し tsukikaeshi. This is like a riposte in fencing. But I don't parry the attacker's sword directly. Rather it is parried while I target specific kyusho. The sword gets caught in the kukan and removed from the attacker in the process.

廻捕 Mawashi Dori with Kunai

廻捕 Mawashi Dori with Kunai

my Bujinkan video exploring 廻捕 mawashi dori with kunai. AKA Mawari Dori. I have studied both variations with Hatsumi Sensei, and there are subtle differences.

I began class with 廻捕 mawashi dori. This sometimes called mawari dori, and we did that later. But first, with 廻し mawashi, muto dori skill is critical. If you move too much, you give your opponent options to kill you. Collapse the space by receiving the attack.

五輪碎 gorin kudaki with kunai

Warmed up with 体変術無刀捕型 Taihenjutsu Mutōdori Gata. First we did 一文字之構 Ichimonji no Kamae. I emphasized the position of the feet for stability and proper kamae during and after the roll. This is always good form, but becomes super important in muto dori. Next was 十文字之構 Jūmonji no Kamae. After the basic, I showed how (more...)

落花 Rakka

落花 Rakka

I began class with 落花 Rakka to continue our study of 十方折衝 juppo sessho. One of the most important moments in this kata occurs right after the initial evasion. But if done well, it is very natural.

Arizona Bujinkan 2014 合宿 Gasshuku

  If you can’t see the video above try this link: Arizona Bujinkan 2014 合宿 Gasshuku My Bujinkan video capturing some of my experiences from the 2014 Arizona 合宿 Gasshuku. Since I first met Peter Crocoll in 1990, he has been organizing these annual Bujinkan training camps. For me it is a great time to (more...)