Ninja True: Boshi Ken and Shiki

Ninja True: Boshi Ken and Shiki

I have chat with one of my subscribers about mikkyo in the Bujinkan. First I explain how there elements associated with each finger but did you know there is a 6th? It is shiki. I add several Bujinkan training clips using 指刀拳 shitō ken aka 拇指拳 boshi ken. Shiki is like consciousness itself. Hatsumi Sensei (more...)

Ninja True: Small Connections

Ninja True: Small Connections

I explore a recent idea I studied with Hatsumi Sensei in Japan about using small connections in the kukan. To help my students get a feeling for this idea I reviewed the kata 当返 ate kaeshi from a recent class. Sometimes when exploring advanced concepts it helps to break free from form. Almost everyone struggles (more...)

Ninja True: Bujinkan Training Weapons

Ninja True: Bujinkan Training Weapons

I share some of my stories about ninja training weapons, or as my wife calls them, “sticks.” I share a trick for getting through airport security smoothly with Bujinkan training weapons on my way to Japan.

Bujinkan 宝拳 Hōken Four Fists

Bujinkan 宝拳 Hōken: Four Fists

my Bujinkan video exploring four of the 宝拳十六法 hōken juroppō. We began class with a review of the fists we have done so far. First was 鬼角拳 kikaku ken. My focus was on proper alignment of the body and using this strike in the context of the kata 捕捉 hosoku. Next we reviewed 手起拳 shuki (more...)

Bujinkan Kuden: 人間の意識 Ningen no Ishiki

Bujinkan Kuden: 人間の意識 Ningen no Ishiki

I got up really early to do some Bujinkan solo training. And here I share some of my thoughts about 人間の意識からない ningen no ishiki kara nai. This is a piece of advice that Hatsumi Sensei gave us during one of my recent Bujinkan Japan trips.

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 心拳 Shinken

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 心拳 Shinken

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 心拳 shinken. We warmed up with 流捕 nagare dori. This hanbo kata has some similar mechanics to 腰折 kosshi ore. But with the addition of the 小太刀 kodachi, capturing the flow of the attack is more critical. I began class with 心拳 shinken. Many westerners struggle with 坐り型 (more...)

Bujinkan 無刀捕 mutōdori kuden

Bujinkan Kuden: 無刀捕 mutōdori

After a class studying 無刀捕 mutōdori, we discuss basic Bujinkan kuden. I also share some advanced training on this topic that I received from Hatsumi Sensei in Japan.

Bujinkan Kata 搾撃 Sakugeki

VIDEO: Bujinkan Kata 搾撃 Sakugeki

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 搾撃 sakugeki. We warmed up with 半棒術 hanbōjutsu kihon. We did naname ushiro waki uchi, naname mae waki uchi, and mawashi kote uchi. I finished with 突き胴振り tsuki doufuri. I began class with 搾撃 sakugeki. This form is simple with only two steps. But there are some great (more...)

Training Questions

After a class on the yari and the kata 釘抜 kuginuki, I share three parts of my Bujinkan teaching method. I also discuss some ideas about asking and answering training questions. And I finish by telling a funny story about what happened when an unsuspecting American asked Nagato Sensei the wrong question.

Bujinkan Kata 不動 Fudō

Bujinkan Kata 不動 Fudō

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan kata 不動 Fudō. We warmed up with 半棒術 hanbōjutsu kihon using a tsuki to strike the kyūsho 鬼門 kimon, 声 koe, and 角 kaku. We delivered these as the opponent punched. The challenge was accuracy which was even more difficult with the 片手打 katate uchi. I began class with (more...)

Bujinkan Tactics of 霧散 Musan and 気魄 Kihaku

Bujinkan Tactics of 霧散 Musan and 気魄 Kihaku

my Bujinkan video exploring the Bujinkan tactics of 霧散 musan and 気魄 kihaku. We warmed up with 表小手逆 omote kote gyaku and 裏小手逆 ura kote gyaku kihon. Then I showed these while receiving a punch. I did these variations one handed, using taihenjutsu to change and take the lock. I began class with a waza (more...)

Bujinkan Kata 後捕 Ushiro Dori

Bujinkan Kata 後捕 Ushiro Dori

my Bujinkan video exploring the kata 後捕 ushiro dori. We warmed up with musha dori and oni kudaki against a punch. But I did not show the traditional forms. First I did gyaku musha dori and ushiro oni kudaki. Then I added the hanbo. Like last time, I used gravity and the pendulum action of (more...)